Opening Ceremony
Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and Dr. Roy Chun Lee, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) delivered opening remarks
The Czech Hub in Taiwan
Space to strengthen
Czech-Taiwanese relations


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and challenging political and economic situation, Taiwan and the Czech Republic established several new linkages within the context of their informal albeit strong bilateral relations. Trade and research and development (R&D) represent important cornerstones of cooperation which engages both, business and academic sectors. Even though Taiwanese investors have already established consequential economic bases that encourage further interactions in trade, the potential of Czech exports to Taiwan remains to be untapped. Furthermore, potential connections among relevant NGO players would create another layer of the rapidly evolving relationship between Taiwan and the Central Eastern European region.

Therefore, the European Values Center for Security Policy and the Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber, in cooperation with other partners from Taiwan and the Czech Republic, established a new Czech Hub in Taiwan which will assist in building the Czech community in Taiwan by offering a physical space and know-how for new and existing initiatives in Taiwan. This platform will also serve as a unique informal tool for strengthening Czech-Taiwanese relations, as it will enable implementation of joint semi-governmental projects.

In the logo of the Czech Hub in Taiwan, a tilia tree, the national tree of the Czech Republic, and an eight-rayed sun, inspired by Taiwanese symbols for excellence and prosperity, intertwine to create the overall shape of a four-leaf clover for a good luck.


The founding partners of the Hub share the goals in building the Czech community in Taiwan by offering a physical space and know-how for new and existing initiatives in Taiwan, and by providing the related activities as follows.

  • Providing a platform for new Czech and Taiwanese partners in various sectors to foster inter-sectoral, multi-stakeholder cooperation between the Czech Republic and Taiwan.
  • Creating a space for building the Czech community in Taiwan.
  • Streamlining soft-landing services for Czech businesses, academics, and non-governmental organizations by offering a workspace, know-how, and relevant networks.
  • Organizing the Czech-Taiwanese events that open new issues of interest and support new Czechia–Taiwan initiatives.
  • Supporting and promoting partners in joint public relations efforts, thus presenting successful developments in Czech-Taiwanese relations.

Founding partners

European Values Center for Security Policy
is a non-governmental, non-partisan institute defending freedom and sovereignty especially from the malign influences of Russia and China. In January 2022, the European Values Center for Security Policy became the first European think tank with legal and permanent presence in Taiwan. The mission of the Taiwan office of the European Values Center for Security Policy is to foster exchanges between primarily Central European and Taiwanese experts on security-oriented topics and strengthen cooperation between Central Europe and Taiwan on matters of defense, foreign policy, and security policy.

In cooperation with Taiwanese partners, including government and non-government organizations, European Values Taiwan office oversees the Hubs political agenda, which will be realized through community meetings, hosting incoming delegations from the Czech Republic as well as other countries and organizing events. The monthly Czech-Taiwanese hybrid events introduce various topics related to economic, business, political, social and cultural relations between Czech Republic and Taiwan, with the participation of Czech and Taiwanese experts. The events will create a dedicate space for informal networking and knowledge sharing.

The Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber
is in charge of its business agenda by providing space for B2B meetings, hosting of business delegations and running The Soft-Landing program dedicated to helping Czech companies establish their business presence in Taiwan and accelerate their growth. Each of the participants of the soft-landing program will receive assistance from the project as noted below


  • Pre-landing: Assist companies interested in the Taiwanese market in thinking aboul
  • Expanding/starting their business in Taiwan and introduce them to the current opportunities
  • New Entity in Taiwan: Provide complex or partial guidance with issues such as business registration, immigration law, business licenses, office space search, etc., and translation and interpretation services
  • First 30 Days Incubation: Provide office space and time to arrange paperwork, connect startups/enterprises to the local network, and secure legal and accounting consultation
  • Scaling-up: Provide access and introduction to new industry partners, investors, potential clients, finance, outsourcing, or talent acquisition via our network of trusted partners, branding, and marketing consultations with local professionals for product localization.


The Czech Hub in Taiwan

1 Fl., No. 18, Ln. 26, Pucheng Str.
Da’an District, Taipei City

Marcin Jerzewski

Head of Taiwan Office
European Values Center for Security Policy

[email protected]

Marcin Jerzewski

Head of Taiwan Office
European Values Center for Security Policy

[email protected]

Alice Rezková

Czech-Taiwanese Business Chamber

[email protected]

Alice Rezková

Taiwanese Business Chamber

[email protected]

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